Update from Grant - 12/17/10 |
the RBW blog
post. Posted here as there is not yet a Simpleone Page here
on the Cyclofiend site.
SimpleOne Update December 17, 2010
Update Sizes: 56-58-60-62
no smaller or bigger: It takes forever to sell them, minimums
are 30 per size, and we can't sit on tons of bigger ones that
long. We still have, like, six 50cm QBs left. We have long been,
and at some level still are, dedicated to the taller and shorter
riders not often accommodated by the bigger brands. But we're
kind of tired of having them pile up and collect dust, and so
keep them going in the more normal models that sell better.
the SimpleOne compares with the Quickbeam:
-- Made in Taiwan by our Sam-maker. Hand-brazed. QB was Japan.
Quality in this case is every bit as good, at least.
-- Geometry is nearly identical.
-- Same braze-ons plus a kickstand plate.
-- Same tire/fender clearance (for 40mm with fender, or 44 without)
-- Fancier paint. With the cream head tube, etc, that many of
our bikes have. Mark picked a dark slimy green that'll look super.
-- Brakes. Uses sidepulls or centerpulls. QB was a canti-bike.
price, with headset: $900 if you reserve one before Jan 20 with
a non-refu $400 deposit (see below); $1000 if you wait till we've
already had to pay for the lot before they ship. To reserve one:
By phone, 800 345 3918. Complete bike price: We build it as you
like, but will offer a package that should allow about a $1,600
bike before shipping.
End March to Mid-April 2011 How many: 30 each of 56 cm, 58 cm,
60 cm, 62 cm
notes on riding a single-speed, for the benefit of those who haven't
done it.
It's not just harder, it's different. You give up a lot by not
being able to shift, but you get some things in return for that
sacrifice: Having no options means having no pressure to shift,
or be in the right gear. You see the hill ahead, and you know
the gears are in your legs, so you just go. You grunt more, yes,
but it is mentally relaxing to not even have a shift option.
flat terrain, you go easier. Why spin like the blades of a Waring
blender? The gear and terrain dictate the speed, which is always
proper as long as it feels good. On steep hills, you have to get
off. This is good for you. Rather than grunt like an overgeared
fool, you get off and hoof it. It's almost, but not exactly, like
being a duathlete! That's it.
people say, and I'm sure I've said it myself at some point, that
there's less maintenance because of no derailers and shifters.
I don't say that anymore, because I never do anything to my derailers
and shifters, and anything that might go wrong with them---it's
hard to even think of what that might be---is not going to be
long or hard to fix or replace. Bike variety is a good thing,
especially if you ride the same routes all year long.
different bike makes the ride different. Each bike makes it easier
to appreciate other bikes even more. When you ride a one-speed,
not shifting teaches you that you don't have to shift as much
as you've been shifting on your 27-speed. When you really sweat
it out on the one-speed, you really appreciate the gears on the
27-speed. A one-speed is a good way to put together a really durable,
high-quality, fun bike for not all that much money.
Quickbeam Variant - 07/10 |
to the RBW Owner's Bunch group by nathan s., this taller-framed
Quickbeam had a second top tube added. According to the post,
it had broken, and when the owner brought it to Rivendell for
a repair, they agreed to a second top tube.

know how much torque I've put on mine (a 58 cm framesize). I reckon
that this one (it's gotta be a 66, although they did make a 68)
is probably just about right with the addition of the second tube.
It looks like this bike also got the Nexus Hub treatment on the
rear. It's a pretty interesting setup, and if the owner gets a
chance to fill me in with more details, I'd love to hear about
7/20/10 -
Seems like this bicycle (and owner/rider) caught the attention
of erstwhile bikey blogger Ed Felker in the Washington D.C. Area
out that it is a 68 cm frame, and it had originally been sent
back to Rivendell to fix a cracked bottom bracket. That's the
point when the second top tube was added.
Rolling in Austin, TX |
off, if you haven't seen Clif Wright's awesome custom-painted
"everything's tall in Texas" Quickbeam, take a moment
and visit this
the folks down in Austin have a pretty great looking ride which
runs in the evening of the summer months (maybe even through the
winter...). If you check out the coverage in the Austin American-Statesman
online, you'll see the same gorgeous Quickbeam rolling through,
along with the legs that make it go.

Link - http://photoblog.statesman.com/social-cycling-atx
In the NY Times |

article isn't actually on the Rivendell Quickbeam, and in
fact there's no mention of it in the actual text that I've found.
And, if I were the art director for the image, I would've made
sure that the exposure didn't quite cook out the highlights...
but, hey - it's a QUICKBEAM in the New York Times.
that's pretty cool!
to the article -
New Color Scheme - Silver Quickbeams Arrive |
this more than probably will be the last run of this phenomenal,
adaptable, versatile model.

in the Wild |
Quickbeam, spotted in the wild. San Rafael, CA - 4/09

Quickbeam 650B Conversion from Rivendell Reader #37 |

was going back through an older Rivendell Reader and came across
this small feature on Rich L's Quickbeam 650B (584 BSD) Conversion
project. (Ron Lau
also converted a Quickbeam to 650B, shown here.)
Shifty Quickbeam - 8 speed Nexus Hub System |
yonder on Velocio.com
(a great url, to be sure...), TS converted his Quickbeam to 8-speed
using the 8-speed version of the Nexus (Red label).

to a
post to the RBW Owners Bunch list, it worked very nicely,
shifting was smooth and reliable. See http://www.velocio.com/Bikes/QBRivendell
for some pictures and a brief write-up.
owner - Tim - kindly responded to an email query about the bike.
He did have to respace the dropouts, to about 133mm, to accommodate
the Nexus hub.
has since converted the QB back to a single-speed*, and sold the
Nexus hub/wheel. According to his post, he liked it well enough,
but appreciated the QB better as a single-speed, and had another
hub-geared bike. These make great hubs for a city/commuter bike.
is what the gearing looked like with the two chain wheels of the
8 Speed Gearing |
Gear# |
1.615 |
1.419 |
1.223 |
1.000 |
.0851 |
0.748 |
0.644 |
0.527 |
Nexus8 tech manual scan
Tim sez - "Now it has a Phil SS/SS 135mm hub, and it's just
off to the frame painters to have the color changed. Never did
like that green. That bike has been through more transmogrifications
than any other I've owned! :-) But it's fun, and it's a great
bike to ride. "
Kingman's Loaded Tour on a Quickbeam - RR#37 |
response to a question posed on the RBW-Owners-Bunch Google Group,
here are scans from an article by Henry Kingman, wherein he tours
on a Quickbeam in decidedly non-summery conditions.
on each page will open a full-sized version.
Tires on a 'Beam - 6/25/07 |

actually seen this photo a while ago, but it popped back into
view on the Quickbeam
group on Flickr. This is a great example of a 45mm tire
used on a Quickbeam. Thanks for the great photo, Philip!
Rear Rack Issues - 6/11/07 |
K. posted this original notice to the RBW List on 6/9/07 -
purchased the latest
model Nitto rear rack (full size) for my QB. After I mounted
it and leveled it, I discovered that the little welded posts at
the bottom block the removal of the rear wheel. They are directly
in front of the dropouts. It could have been solved with a hacksaw,
but I was not spending $135 and then destroying a new Nitto Rack.
I returned it and am getting a Pletscher Athelete 4B. It will
give me the lower attachment points, braze-on mounts, and not
look like I'm touring for a year (like the Nitto or Tubus). I
really only need a light duty rack with bottom attachment points
for a two wheel gear garment bag."
was news to me - as I've not tried to mount a rear rack on the
QB - and asked for some photos. Another Jon (actually "John"
B.) supplied this photo (click on it to see more) and description
of his QB, which runs the same rack:

photo more or less shows how the little tab is in the way. I have
the same problem. I spoke with one of the guys at RBW about it
maybe 2 years ago and was also told cutting off the tab at the
bottom was one solution but I have decided to live with it. I
don't get many flats in Minneapolis. You must remove skewer completely
before wheel will allow itself to be taken off. I have that issue
on several bikes (front and/or rear) and have decided to switch
to non-QR skewers which require allen wrench to remove - easier
during removal (when rack-blocking is an issue) and perhaps less
likely to be stolen."
also emailed to Ken Y. - (reflectorcollector.blogspot.com)
the fellow who rode his Quickbeam on the Trans-Iowa
this year (and was the first rider to finish that event on a fixed-gear
rig). From the photo's I'd seen of him on the event, it seemed
that he was running panniers on some type of rear dropout secured
rear rack.

replied, graciously sharing his experiences and views:

am using the Rivendell Nitto rear rack, size Large. I have a 60cm
frame. Before I bought one, I rode my brother's 58 with a similar
set up for a couple of months trying to determine which size I
wanted. I didn't have any problems mounting it on the bike...
fit right on. My only beef is that there is only one set of eyelets
so I have long bolts holding both the rack and Berthoud Fenders.
that said... I have two different Rivendell Nitto rear racks.
I've had both on my QB with no problems. I recently installed
the "junky" rack though. I picked up a Rivendell Rear rack from
Ebay that had been used in a funky way by the previous owner who
had it mounted on a recumbent somehow. He must not have had it
level, because from using it loaded, it had bent the rack. I picked
up the rack for a very fair price, bent it back straight, and
now recently mounted it on the Quickbeam because I cannot tell
that it is bent with the PA panniers always on. The owner had
ground off the little tabs down by the mounts.
I have another thing going for me that others have complained
about with the Quickbeam. With the rear-facing dropouts (or fork
ends for Sheldon Brown followers) and fenders, I understand that
it is difficult to remove the rear wheel. I use a Phil Wood single
sided hub. No flipping or flopping for me. If I unthread the bolts
all the way, the wheel drops straight out. That said, I am not
sure if I am using my Quickbeam to its full potential... but I
am. I ride it most every day. Over 2000 miles so far this year,
just on the QB!
it were my design, I'd have gone with forward facing dropouts
for easy wheel removal with fenders. I'd have put a second set
of eyelets on for rack and fenders. I'd move the cable routing
to 7pm. I'd improve the quality of the production; my BB was distorted
from heat and is not round enough to engage the threads all the
way around on the drive side and my headset is the wrong size.
More on that here"
Bash guard / Chainring guard / Cuff guard / Pants guard Availability
- 4/29/07 |
the Bicycle Lifestyle googlegroup, a bit of chatter appeared concerning
the metal Sugino chainring guard (well, I guess technically it's
a cuff-guard...) that comes on the Quickbeam cranks. Ron L. had
found the Sugino page, which prompted Anthony over at Trinity
Bicycles to order some. At this point, that's where it sits, but
I'll mention it here if they do show up.
page showing the items: www.suginoltd.co.jp/chain_guard_e.html
Lifestyle original
Bicycle's site
Reader #37 - Brian Rigs his Quickbeam with a Sturmey-Archer Hub |

Reader #36 - Jim W. Rigs his Quickbeam for Front Shifting |

I posted this, James W. sent me a nice email, which said in part
objective was to be able to have a front derailleur connected
to a shifter so that there could be two radically different gears
- one for single-speeding on flats, the other for single-speeding
when you had a steep hill.
tried other chain tensioners to take up the chain slack, but it
turned out the only thing that would do it was a rear derailleur.
The rear derailleur is only there to take up chain slack. It has
no cable attached to it, and it does not shift. There is still
only one cog in back."
to the top
Reader #34 - "Who'd Ride a Quickbeam?" |

clearly Elton Pope-Lance. Click
for big. This may be the first written use of the phrase "bagmatcher",
even though it's used to describe what Elton is not.
has some nice photos over on Flickr - see 'em here.
to the top
Reader #31 - The Ballyhoo-Worthy Quickbeam |
Reader #31 - The Ballyhoo-Worthy Quickbeam
(RR #31 was published in January, 2004)
This announces the arrival of the first batch of 100 Quickbeams
from Japan. The Quickbeam is described as being conceived "two
and half years ago." As stated above, it is built by National/Panasonic.
Price is $1,300 for a built bike, or $900 for a frameset. Green

Reader #27 - Announcing the Quickbeam |
Reader #27 - Quickbeam
(RR #27 was published in "Summer, 2002")
This is the first complete mention I have found of the Quickbeam
which has photos and general spec's. I think the bicycle had been
mentioned in at least one seasonal Flyer, and perhaps in the catalog
before this RR. At this point, the text in this announcement states
that he plan was to have Joe and Curt build the frames stateside,
to keep the torches blazing in a more consistent manner. The article
also indicates (on the second page) that there will be color options,
and the possibility of a JB paint job for an upcharge. It gives
a sizing chart based on saddle height, though that measurement
is derived via a PBH measurement.
believe there is at least one QB which was made as a prototype,
possibly by Joe. The Rivendell Reader article references a "first
prototype" on the second page. That is quite possibly this
bicycle, but I have not yet confirmed that with the owner.
also appears to have been 3 made-in-the-US versions, which appear
to have been built by Curt Goodrich. This is based on Raoul
Delmare's Singlespeed Gallery Submission,
which clearly shows a very different lugset than what came on
the Panasonic/National produced bicycles.
to the top
(Unequovicbly Cool Quickbeam Things) |
when the RBW list was part of the bikelist.org
communications empire, I began posting little thoughts and observations
which burbled up while riding the Quickbeam - just sort of subtle
and/or obvious things about the bike which I really liked...I
thought I'd aggregate them here, and encourage others to play
along as well. If you would like to share something cool about
your Quickbeam, zap me an email or post it to the RBW Owner's
Bunch List.
Cool Quickbeam Thing" - Item #1
When you are rolling along in a fixed gear, bucking a headwind
or just making good time. You look down and on the top of the
fork crown, the little "wing" reliefs are getting pushed backwards
by your efforts. At least it seemed that way to me today. (yeah,
I know it's the same crown on other models....)
Cool Quickbeam Thing" - Item #2
It Just Rolls - I have other bicycles with big tires, and others
with fixed gears, but none match the Quickbeam's inherent ability
to just roll over uneven topography with utmost ease. Steady rains
on Nor-Cal roadways have created a huge amount of puddle caused
cracks and debris - downright nasty in places. But it just doesn't
seem to care - just eats it up happily as riders with featherweight
frames and thin tires scatter like chickadees before the storms.
Cool Quickbeam Thing" - Item #3
It Tracks When You Need It To - Finally got in a decent ride this
morning - first in a long time. Of course, towards the last half
hour, sufferin'-B syndrome began to take effect. On many other
bicycles I've ridden and ride, this means a degradation of handling
(mostly operator error). The Quickbeam just handled extremely
well, swooping through turns easily but not coming off line when
my head and shoulders lolled off to one side. With a bit of a
buffeting crosswind as I headed towards home, this was much appreciated.
Cool Quickbeam Thing" - Item #4
Seated Uphill Climbing - A good week, riding wise - commuted 4
days out of 5 possible, all of which were sunny, took the open
wheeled racer out on Saturday and tried to remember what to do
with all those danged gears. Then, this morning, riding this year
(this is a big thing) For The First Time Without Knee Or Armwarmers
(ok, it was a little, um, ugly too...), I chanced to ride up a
same hill that I'd ridden this week on three different bikes before
the Quickbeam today. But, on a bigger gear than my fixed commuter,
and feeling much more comfortable than my geared coastables, I
trucked on up the entire climb while seated. Since I'm definitely
in a different position on the Quickbeam, I attribute it to the
frame design. It was a nice suprise when I thought I'd be sufferin'
this AM. Have I mentioned that I'm really enjoying this bicycle?
to the top
RBW Page
- Rivendell Bicycle Model Pages -
Bicycle Works
P.O. Box 5289 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
T 800.345.3918/ 925.933.7304
F 877.269.5847
you are looking for information about Bridgestone bicycles, I
have a reproduced page on serial number conventions here.
The best source for further information would be Sheldon
Brown's Bridgestone Bicycle Pages.
note - this is absolutely not meant to be a comprehensive representaton
of Rivendell Bicycle Works, their products or their policies.
Please visit their
website, or contact
them directly regarding these products.
updated: December 22, 2010