- "Internet Bridgestone Owners Bunch"
Provided by iBob
of course, you must know what a koan
is. Many koans are found in everyday life, most of which provide
mild humor and insignificant guidance. But, within the beliefs and
teachings of the iBobs, themes seem to arise which may hold deeper
I first referred to these questions as "iBob Catechism",
it strikes me that these parables and images could provide enlightenment
of a deeper sort.
We maintain strong opinions about the need for fenders and mudflaps
to make an all-weather bicycle so we have no worries in inclement
conditions. Yet we choose an expensive leather Brooks saddle for
which we obsessively bring a cheap plastic bag to protect from the
I have a carbon bicycle, but it has lugs which join the tubes together,
and I generally wear a wool jersey while riding. I do however wear
form-fitting shorts, yet, they are bibs and are black. I also generally
wear white socks with no visible logos. However, the handlebars
on this bike are demonstrably lower than the saddle. Am I a BOB
riding an unBOBish bicycle, or does the BOBishness of my jersey
meld with the aspect of lugs to create a BOBish whole?
The gearing on every one of my bicycles is different. Not just the
gearing, but the shifting elements, the number of cogs (though I
seem to be increasing the number of bicycles which have only one
sprocket that doesn't seem to freewheel)and the cranksets all come
from different companies or from different eras. I have sought interchangeability
in each bicycle system, yet the systems themselves are largely incompatible.
How do I resolve this duality?
We stress interchangeability with our components, yet many of us
are incompatible with one another.
We ride big tires with lower
pressure because we are concerned more with comfort than speed.
Yet, it is being shown that these larger, softer tires let us achieve
greater speed. Should we increase our pressure to counteract this
apparent fixation with velocity?
If being mechanically inept makes me disgruntled, then, should I
become ept, will I also be gruntled?
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