
Saturday, March 3, 2007, JimG,
Carlos &
I attended the 3rd Annual North American Handmade Bicycle Show in
San Jose, CA. This is the second year that the show has taken place
in San Jose, and the buzz had been steadily increasing as the weekend
of the show grew near. Bicycle builders and related companies had
been prepping their finest to put on display in what must be one
of the largest collections of active bicycle craftspeople.
here to see the writeup, video photos & links to other stuff

Saturday, March 4, 2006, my wife and I attended the North American
Handmade Bicycle Show in San Jose. This was the second year of this
event, having outgrown their initial location in Texas. Rarely do
we have an opportunity to view so many custom builder's works under
one roof. We could easily spend time in almost every booth, checking
out both sublime and stunning details which these craftspeople have
pulled together.
here for the full report.