off - thanks for providing this site to let the world see some of
the coolest bikes out there.
- thanks for being so animal friendly and supportive of the homeless
and rescued and sympathetic to Katrina victims. My wife and I along
with 5 dogs escaped her wrath and ended up in Dallas. We are planning
our return to New Orleans soon.
my therapy included building this bike. It was bought as a full
fendered original 1959 model 3-speed and I changed things a bit.
My inspiration came from designs of traditional hotrods. I had the
handlebar, rims, and crank powder coated, I "flame tarnished" the
stem, the hubs are finned items from a 1940's cruiser. I added the
Surly flask and cage and fashioned a cigar holder. (BTW - where
do you carry your bourbon and cigars on your bike?) The stainless
steel bottle in the King copper tubed cage holds my patch kit and
tools. Hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoy riding it.