Johnson's Workshop Pix:
attached a few pics of my shop, which is in a sort of cinderblock
building behind my house. i'm in the middle of a number of projects,
including building out some freebie bridgestone frames i recieved,
and tuning a friends un-bobish bianchi. never free, i am tuning
it to sell it, he is getting a king of mercian in a few weeks! things
strewn around the shop include my mb-1 singlespeed, some maxi-car
tandem wheels, and a huge 66cm nishiki i am working for a friend.
spoke cards are from tours and i rides i have put together through
ridelugged.com. my shop is messy indeed! even when i worked at a
retail shop, my workspace always had a post katrina feel to it.
in central PA.

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