Updates, Spy Photos & Intel Archive - Starts Here
2007 and Earlier -
Weekend #2 - Group Photo - 12/31/07 |
offered to host any photos that people may have from the
Rivendell Weekends - This image (click it for a larger version)
was the Riv Weekend #2 group photo, supplied by Angus L.
If you have photos please email them (or mail them - I can
scan them) to me for inclusion.

from the Rivendell Weekend
#3 can be found here
Cross - 12/31/07 |
L. sent me this photo a while ago, and I wasn't really sure
what to do with it. Normally, I don't put in photos with
recognizable people, but then again, a photo like this is
too cool not to use. Besides, it also shows a Rivendell
at what it does best and enjoys most - being ridden! To
anyone who says that Rivendells just get garaged, here's
an excellent example to refute that statement. If you click
here (or click the photo), you'll get some closer images
of the bike - one of the few "pre-Legolas" Rivendell
CX models.
There's also a bigger sized version of this image.

Article by Matt Isaacs in Diablo Magazine - 11/28/07 |
Matt forwarded this to the iBob list:
I'd forward this article I wrote for a regional magazine in
Walnut Creek called Diablo, a glossy for the upper crust in
the area. This was a long time coming, years actually, from
when I first began talking to Grant about this.
I'm pasting the link: http://www.diablomag.com/home/show_story/863/
in mind this is was written for an audience who largely knows
nothing about bikes. Enjoy."
indeed - does this look like a man who's enjoying himself?

to View Article online
in Town - 10/4/07 |
it seems that the fine folks from Toyo wisely hightailed
it out of Las Vegas after Interbike - heading west to the
lands of Walnut Creek. From their
blog, it seems they had a good time at the show, and
enjoyed the follow up visit to RBWHQ&L, where they had
a chance to meet about the Rivendell Bombadil 650B mtb project
- this photo was found on
their blog. (Note - the links will take you to a Google
Translation (Beta) version of their site.)

worth wading through the rough translations. And there are
pictures too! Make sure you go back an entry or two once
you get to the site - it will continue to be (beta) translated
while you are there.
of a Website - 1998 to 2007 |
not really sure what put me onto this - I think I was looking
for some older references on another project, and while
I was at the Internet
Wayback Machine, plugged in the url for Rivendell. I'm
not doing this for any other purpose other than general
curiosity. The webbernet changes so damned fast and incrementally
that most of the time we just don't notice it. I find it
interesting to peer back occasionally (of course, I was
a history major...). It also goes to show you that kites
which you float on the winds of cyberspace don't just disappear
when the string snaps.
remember all of these, and think there was even an earlier
one which I didn't see in the archives. For some reason,
posting these here compels me to comment - more as "notes
to self" on the design at the time.
begin in 1998 - Nice clean interface, no heavy front-ending
graphics to slow things down (as we were cutting edge with
a 56K modem...), tasteful use of columns to keep everything
"above the fold" -

finds some navbar implementation - the "NEW" pop-n-fresh
graphic hangs around still, but they've moved beyond the
green ball syndrome. Again clean and workable, though a
fair amount runs down offscreen.

- The yellow background is a bit kinder on the eyes, but
does have the echo of Sheldonism about it. The navbar runs
along the top (and the missing graphics is just a problem
in the archive - it worked just fine). Judicious use of
photos is nice (there were three - again, two lost in the
archive) and still kind to those who don't use DSL or Cable
connections. The columns reappear, letting us get a teaser
to most topics without having to scroll.

brought kind of a clumsy step - an awkward adolescent age
if you will - it was an attempt to wrangle the seriously
increasing amount of content into a single screen. It worked,
but the big honking blue buttons always struck me as a bit

that fairly quickly became the 2003 version - really a clean,
contemporary design, with big front-end photos that rotated
randomly. It sat nice and pretty in the middle of the screen
and had a color scheme to the navigation tabs. This was
a big jump forward, started to favor folks who had a bit
more bandwidth than dial-up and became what most people
thought of when they imagined the Rivendell site.
it seemed to become problematic as far as updates were concerned.
This led to alternative modes of releasing photos, and ultimately,
this section of this site - as I tried to capture the photos
and wrangle them into one place for my own use. Somewhere
in there, the search functionality started to fail, which
was frustrating if you couldn't find your way back to a
topic or article.

one was with us through 2006 and most of this year as well.
I guess it was supposed to be user friendly for easy updates,
but it didn't seem to pan out that way. It also rendered
ugly as heck on my system.

brings us to today - Everything is right up front and easy
to find. The search function works and - this cannot be
underestimated - it's up to date in the store. Also, they've
been able to update the "Rivendell Notes" and
"View through the Knothole" a number of times.
It also passes what my personal benchmark - the clean interface
test. Just to expound upon that for a second... A simple
design is probably the most powerful, as it enables a maximum
amount to be done with a minimum amount of dinking around.
Think of the basic google page, as an example. Compare that
to what Yahoo! tacks onto the basic search page, or what
most of the other ones used to.

Sightings on the Interwebs - 9/17/07 |
UK decides they are partial to the Saluki in butterscotch

runs a page of PBP fixed gear bikes, capturing a nice photo
of Eric "Campy
Only" Norris's Quickbeam (you'll need to scroll a
bit to see it at photo #6) -

finally, another tremor in the 650B-on-the-Trails movement,
to which a certain GP responds (again, you'll need to scroll
down a bit to the comments section)
Paintingly Goodness from Keith Anderson - 9/6/07 |
are two of several paint prep and process photos which were
shared over on the Framebuilders
list by Keith
Anderson. Since there seem to be some Rivendell frames
in the bunch, I thought I'd get linky wid it here. These are
the "bookends" in the series - there are a few more
in between. Check 'em out!

Country Bag Capacity Information - 9/4/07 |

provides "real world" Country Bag capacity information
at PBP 2007 |

was skimming through some of Rob Hawks' photos from the 2007
Paris-Brest-Paris and noticed one fellow who had a singularly
nice rig - waving the Riv Colors while atop what I'm guessing
was a Rambouillet - came in under the 90 hour (for 1200 km!)
time limit. A fine ride in significantly adverse conditions.
- who is that mystery man?
- Within 15 minutes of this post, I received an email ID'ing
this as Larry Powers.
PBP Album
Production Frame Geometry Charts - 8/22/07 |
of the things which does not now reside in the new Rivendell
website is the selection of frame geometry charts (other than
the A. Homer Hilsen).
I pulled the old charts off of the Internet
Wayback Machine's archive from mid-2007, and have landed
them here in aggregated form.
It's a little quick & dirty, but other projects on in
the fire this week.
Production Frame Geometry charts
End and Beginning of a New Era - 8/20/07 |

Rivendell Site Is Dead!

Live the NEW RIvendell site!
job Mr.
the News That Fits In Print - 8/10/07 |
bit of free press slung the way of Rivendell - cover
story on the newest Momentum
Magazine. I was not aware of the publication, but it was
nice article focusing on S24O's, interviewing Grant. It
seems to be issue #29, so as usual, I'm reasonably off the
to see a sparkly blue A. Homer Hilsen hanging out there as
to RBW list-member Allen who spotted this.
you want a version to read other than in front of your monitor,
there's a downloadable pdf version on the
the reasonably established publication made me wonder what
else I'd missed recently, prompting me to poke around the
web a bit while waiting for the coffee to brew, and I came
across some recent Rivendell-centric mentiions in a few blogs
and some other things. In no particular order (and in some
cases, things I've seen before, but couldn't find an easy
link to) -
- gordon
the bikeguy (more a b-stone ref)
- historian
on two wheels (which devolves into a bit of a stereotypical
argument in the comments section)
article in biztactics which is reasonably light (and incorrect)
on factual content
- did'ja
know there was a GP wikipedia entry? and of course, there's
one for RBW
- january
2007 mp3 GP interview link via bikescape
- rich
l's "Hands On Wheels" page
Plate Specifics - Photos & Description |
was a bit of suprise when I ID'd the
frames over on the Toyo blog by the existence of a kickstand
plate. Before I could even pose the actual question to the
folks in Walnut Creek, GP forwarded over some detail photos
of the kickstand plate, as well as a description - I've stashed
it over on the A. Homer Hilsen page.

Glimpse Behind the Magic Curtain - Toyo's blog photos |
RBW Group Member Ed Felker tips the list to these photos which
appeared on the Toyo Blog - If your Japanese language skills
are anywhere near mine, you'll need the
Google (Beta) translated version. But, the photos show
raw A. Homer Hilsen frames brazed up and getting ready for
painting. Click the photo to jump to the Google (Beta) translated
version of the page.

origianal blog post is here
Part 3 - The Rivendell Women's Survey |
was the third thing that I'd been wanting to archive for wider
distribution - the Rivendell "Women Only" Survey
which appeared in Rivendell Reader #37.
has been some interesting discussion regarding the need for
high quality, classic bicycles which will work for women riders.
I'm not sure if this survey will help (and it's already past
the cancel date for the Riven-dollars), but perhaps some people
will be spurred to send it to RWHQ&L - maybe with a letter
adding any other concerns which weren't asked about here.
of the scariest things in marketing or product development
is a bunch of men sitting around trying to figure out "what
women want." So, maybe this can continue to be a valid
reference for Rivendell.
happen to think that the care with which the RBW folks approach
fit - as well as their core beliefs on the subject - go a
long way to getting a wider variety of people comfortably
set up on bicycles. But, then again, I'm male, and relatively
average in terms of fit issues. Maybe they need a specific
"women's set-up package" for the Bleriot - a shorter
stem, different saddle, etc. - or there might be enough demand
for a specific frame option with a shorter top tube. I reckon
it'll take folks asking for it before it happens.
Part 2 - The Whole "603" Thing |
on the RBW
Owner's Bunch list made reference to the 603 wheel size,
and based on some follow-up comments, it appears that some
folks were unaware of the idea or the project. It's one of
those topics which verges dangerously close to core beliefs
and seems
to invite polemics. My hope is that by including the entire
article from Rivendell
Reader #35, the points can be taken within their context.
rather than seeing this as an argument for another wheel size,
and beginning a discussion as to whether that may or may not
be needed, perhaps it's best approached as food for thought,
and a way to make limited-use bicycles into useful, contributing
members of bicycle society. Or you could just get a Hilsen,
which solves clearance issues quite nicely, IMO... ;^)
on the image to get a pretty reasonable sized scan, and the
"click for hi-rez" to get a high resolution version
of the same page.
Part 1 - A. Homer Hilsen Announcement |
been meaning to get the A. Homer Hilsen announcement from
RR#38 scanned onto the Hilsen page.
Finally sat down and had a little scanning marathon to get
some pertinent pages into the archives.
step one - the A. Homer Hilsen:

Brown - "Blue" - First Published Photos - 6/27/07 |

sorts of cool developments on the Jack Brown Tire front...
Just got a few photos of the new Jack Brown "Blue"
version - like a Ruffy Tuffy in that it has a stronger casing,
an extra .5mm (to 2mm) tread thickness, and a kevlar belt.
More info...
Pictures Provided for your Perusal - 6/22/07 |
a bit o' discussion on various pedals and designs, I ended
up with a set of pedal photographs from Rivendell, showing
some measurements of the various designs they carry. A good
reference & there are some pretty good-sized photos.
That stuff is now all here.

Lug Calendar Scans on WoolJersey.com - 6/20/07 |
tip o' the mouse to Joe B., who forwarded this info from the
CR List:
in 1999 Rivendell Bicycle Works published a 24 month (2000-2001)
calendar showing beautiful photographs of a variety of lugs.
This was something you just don't throw away at the end
of the year. I emailed Grant Petersen to ask if these photos
would ever be published on the Rivendell website, but he
said it wasn't going to happen in the near future. When
a question came up on the CR list regarding the identity
of an unknown bottom bracket, a couple of the responses
led me to look at that old calendar again. Anyway, I emailed
Grant again, asking if it would be okay if I scanned the
calendar and posted it on Wooljersey. He thought it was
a good idea, to go ahead.
here it is: http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/v/Oldyellr/lugs/
John B"

Preview (Except they have 'em now) Wool Jersey & "Stubby
Hat" - 6/17/07 |
a nice email from RBW-Mark over the weekend, and in addition
to photographic evidence that Rich's sliced finger had healed
since the RBW Weekend, he passed along a few images of some
new clothing that's - wait for it - ready to ship now....
A wool jersey in a nice, subdued olive and red, as well
as a "stubby" cap with either RBW and A. Homer
Hilsen logos. Click on the image for more info.

Peterson Ride" photos posted on Flickr - 6/13/07 |
Portlanders have all the fun!
actually seems to have taken place on the 10th (and there
may be another scheduled for the future), but someone with
a working tongue and cheek orchestrated a ride with this description
up in Stumptown...
cyclists of Bridgestone, Rivendell, and similar lugged-steel
steeds with a taste for tweed, shellac, cork, and francophile
tires... the Grant Petersen ride will be a rolling bike show
with plenty of interesting discussion. Good natured curmudgeons
gladly suffered. Grouchy know-it-alls will be dropped. No
thank goodness, someone was there to snap some photos:

are more to see if you click the photo above - click
here to jump to the slideshow version
Interesting Photo Blog from Japan - 6/12/07 |
thanks to Ron L. for sharing this over to the
RBW List - a gorgeous photo of an orange Canti-Ram* in
the wilds of Japan

my Japanese language skills are reasonably non-existant, I've
relied once again on the translation function of Google (Beta
Japanese to English) to wrangle the text - you can see the
results here. I'd recommend visiting the
site, as there are some interesting photos of country-rambles,
along with more photos of this (and other) bicycles.
= Rivendell Rambouillet with cantilever brakes.
Rear Rack Issues - 6/11/07 |
seems that the lower tabs on the Nitto Rear Rack can be a
problem for easy rear wheel removal. Original post, other
experiences and more on the Quickbeam page.

of the List" Report #1 - 6/1/07 |
first of what will be a semi-regular update on the state of
the Rivendell Bicycle Works Owners Bunch list - posted to
the list
on Google Groups or viewable here.
Peterson Interview Links |
interview which originally appeared in November of 2006 popped
up again in a search I did last evening, and although I think
it has been mentioned from time to time, it bears a little
reminder -
with Grant Peterson on PushButtonFor.org by Gino Zahnd
were also a couple of podcast'd interviews -
Brown's Podcast I-view at the 2006 Interbike Trade Show
Podcast from January, 2007
appropos of utterly nothing, did you know that Rush wrote
a song called Rivendell?
Weekend Photos - 5/19-20 |
& dirty page of photos
from the 3rd Annual Rivendell Weekend, May 19-20 up on Mt.
Diablo. More stuff to come, but I'm tired tonight...

course, it goes without saying that if you were there, and
got some good photos, send me the link!
#1 -
Some edited photos have migrated to a
Flickr set. Plus, John @ Riv sent over the o-fish-all
group photo and rumors of a patch:

#2 -
The rest of the photos have migrated over to Flickr
- they are now gathered into an RBW
Weekend #3 Collection

Photo Sets from the Rivendell Weekend #3:
Photoset on Flickr
Photo Album on Picasa
Trail Work - 5/17/07 |
nice panorama of trails in the Mt. Diablo region. This photo
in response to an RBW
Owners Bunch question about the suitability of mixte designs
for the trail. Here Tetsu from Toyo
swoops through a stretch of singletrack.

click for full-size
to editorialize for a moment...looks pretty danged trail-worthy
to me!
passes along some more feedback:
mixtes are strong enough for just about any trail riding (short
of things you're supposed to hike over), and have been ridden
a lot on the local trails. They're not mountain bikes, but
a semi-skillful rider can do a lot with them. Here's a picture
of Tetsu Ishigaki of Toyo on a recent ride, on a 56 Wilbury.
He lead up most of the hills and all of the descents, riding
Col de la Vie tires (about 36mm). On Fatty Rumpkins he'd do
even better. The clearances allow up to about a 44mm tire.
The latest Schwalbe fits, but not by a lot (like a 700x25
in a carbon road fork!).
month ago a reporter from Dirt Rag came by, and we went for
a ride--she on a 50 Glorius. I ride these trails actively
(all the time...) and she left me behind on the downhills.
It didn't hold her back.
here rides these trails on 32s and 33.333333333333333333333333333s
now--on a bike that by mountain bike standards is foolishly
current stock of mixtes (last with the superfancy lugs that
have a 50 percent reject rate in casting because of the fanciness;
the ones our Japanese painter refuses to paint, the ones we're
never going to use again) is getting low enough to consider
another order, for delivery in 7 months or so. Maybe we'll
use a wider crown, or bent-out chainstays like the Atlantis
has. Not sure about that.
Bag Capacity Spreadsheet - 5/14/07 |
sent over a pdf spreadsheet of most of the Rivendell-sold
bag capacities. Capacities of listed bags are given in cubic
inches, cubic centimeters and peanuts. Click on the image
below to download the info.

(requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
Frames Visit RBW - 5/1/07 |

tip o' the mouse to JimG, who forwarded this post to the
Toyo blog regarding a recent visit to the RBWHQ&L. Click
on the image to go directly to the page.
should give you a translated version courtesy of google's
Japanese to English (beta) translator. Make sure you go
for and aft a bit to see other day's entries regarding a
visit to D&D paint works and a ride up on Mt Diablo.
Although the phrase is oft overused - Way Cool!
link to Toyo blog post -
link to Translated Toyo blog post - http://tinyurl.com/3a6aye
wait! There's more...
- The Toyo visit to Walnut Creek finishes off with a post
that includes this closer photo of the Rivendel Bombadil
650B trails and mountain machine:

looks like the fork dimensions may be in a slightly more
experimental state, as it does not appear to be painted.
Nice looking low rake. And, the sharp-eyed among you will
notice the excellent presentation of the chocolate-dipped
macaroons n the center of the meeting table. Yummy!
although at first pass, it appeared that the Toyo post included
a photo of the hinted-at RBW Tandem, it seems that it was
a photo of Grant's Mercian tandem.
my previous Google Translaton link was specific to the first
entry, I've created this
link which will translate the Toyo Blog page.
Blog auto-translate - http://tinyurl.com/28sfat
do those Nigel Smythe Bags looks like when they aren't made
out of tweed...?" - 4/26/07 |
request for photos of the canvas fabric Nigel Smythe bags
resulted in a few photos forwarded from the folks at Rivendell
5/07 - PDF Spreadsheet of bag capacities here
Homer Hilsen Clearance Connundrum - 4/24/07 |
a recent RBW
Owners Group posting, a person was encountering tire clearance
issues on the Hilsen. This seemed a bit odd, as the Hilsen
has some frighteningly stantial clearance. My guess (and guess
is the operative term...) is that it could be related to pinching
down slightly oversized fenders.
hisself was kind enough to forward some photos over, with
some notes. I've got them over on the A.
Homer Hilsen Page.

Page Added - 4/19/07 |

post on the iBob list regarding shifting systems on the
Quickbeam spurred me to create a
Quickbeam page for the RBW section. There are links
to the Quickbeams in the Single Speed and Current Classic
Galleries, in addition to scans of the original Quickbeam
announcement in RR#27.
MTB Gains More Momentum - 4/17/07 |

most recent BRAIN (Bicycle Retailing And Industry News)
had this little blurb about the continuing development of
650B/584 offroad tires. RBW gets a minor mention, along
with what seems to be a growing group of folks developing
products for this wheelsize option. It would be interesting
if the thing which really kicked 650B into widespread use
was a mountain bike application.
Preview - Rivendell Jack Brown Tire Debut |

product prevew - courtesy of an email from GP himself! Sort
of an uber-Rolly-Polly.
Preview - Rivendell Grip King Pedal |

off the mojo wire on a Friday night... here are the first
photos I've seen of the Rivendell Grip King pedal which was
line-drawing-rendered in Rivendell Reader #39
List v 2.0 - A Google Group - 3/25/07 |
I've gone and done it... Since the bikelist.org RBW has officially
ceased its broadcast, I've created the RBW Owners' Bunch on
Google Groups. You can view postings online or subscribe via
an email feed. This will not be directly affiliated with Rivendell
Bicycle Works, but will let the Rivendell-specific discussion
continue. So, if that appeals to you, sign up and join in!
Now Redirects - 3/20/07 |
It looks like the woolywarm.com links listed below, as well
as the woolywarm.com site iself, have been changed to redirect
to a more refined looking RBW website - So, for Riv-frame
geometries, go to the RBW page and click on "Weights
& Measures"
course, if you have some familiarity with file structures,
you'll find that the /PDF
directory has more resources.
which is a laundry list of downloadable geometry tables.
List - To Be No Longer? - 3/17/07 |
at Rivendell has announced
that they will no longer be participating in the RBW list
at bikelist.org.
More info regarding a renaming or replacement list as it becomes
Protovelo Frames to be sold off - 2/7/07 |

to the RBW website, it seems there are a number of "Protovelo"
framesets kicking around the HQ - there are enough of them
that they state they will be selling them off. What this means
and doesn't mean is best read here.
2/14/07 -
Frames are now listed on the RBW
Protovelo Page. Looks like some Saluki-esque stuff and
some 700c's, mostly by Mark Nobilette. But, don't email or
call about them or you'll cause the price to increment...
Up Paint Tips - 2/5/07 |

Touch Up Paint recommendations have grown - they have been
moved here
new and one new-ish all-wool Woolistic jersey - 11/18/06 |

are Woolistic brand, made just for us and nobody else. These
are cut nicely for fit folks, and everybody else, buy up
a size or TWO. Seriously. I/Grant wear a large regular dress
or t-shirt, and IÕm 5-10 x 185lb. 42 Regular jacket. I like
a bit of looseness but nothing super baggy, and in these
I wear a 3X. Mark, on the other hand, wears a medium or
small, and thatÕs what he generally wears in all shirts.
So it depends how you like them to fit. They donÕt shrink
much, but they do shrink some. Best way to wash: Cold or
warm, gentle cycle. After the spin cycle, lay flat on a
towel and let it dry overnight. It wonÕt kill them to dry
them on warm, but theyÕll shrink a bit more, and whatÕs
the hurry? Both jerseys are quite attractiveÑmore so in
real life than in these photos. The cream one is a reproduction
of a jersey we had made for Bridgestone way back in those
days. It doesnÕt say Bstone on it, itÕs not an official
Bstone jersey. IÕm just saying we had some made like it,
and everybody who sees it wants one. Now itÕs their time
to pony up! Our prices are quite competitive, and our stock
is low. Well, itÕs not low to us, but given the number of
sizes we stock, we donÕt have a lot of depth. Six of these,
ten of those, things like that. If you buy as a gift, buy
UP in size if you have any doubt. All merino wool, of course.
Short zip in front, three pockets in back. Nice detais.
Made in China, super quality."
order info - click
Return of Legolas" - 11/1/06
set of Legolas CX Photos linked on the Cyclofiend

This time Veronica
from TandemHearts.com is the proud owner. She's set hers up
as a double-century devouring light-n-fast long-distance demon.
Read her story here.
See the pictures here.
Photos on the Cyclofiend Blog - 10/15/06
course I wish it was mine, but Matt
I. posted the first Legolas photos I've seen to an Imageshack
rendered, seriously lust-worthy cyclocross frame.
it here.
continue to populate the Current Classics Gallery |
The First Bleriot
to Appear -
Bleriot photos keep getting added, so the best place to find
them is via the Bleriot
page -
650B photo listing here
holy moley! - there's a Bleriot
Owners Group on Yahoo
far can you fling a Bleriot? This one joins the gallery
from Malaysia!
Couple o' Brochure Downloads - 6/28/06 |
because I like the bike, here's a copy of the Saluki
Brochure (2006 version) which I downloaded.
also seem to have come across this
jpg of the Atlantis
flyer. I think someone posted the link which caused it
to be downloaded to my computer.
Catching Wool for Summer - 5/10/06 |

shows off the short sleeved orange/grey wool jersey.
Spy Photos were Posted on the Rivendell
Preview Page
early 2006, an internal "teaser"
page popped up on the Rivendell website. On it appeared
prototypes of a Silver Cantilever brake and some other photographs.
Before they disappeared, I snagged a copy of the image below
(and a couple other photos down here),
It neither liked to be tracked by tinyurl.com, nor did it
stay the same for too long. The end result gave rise to this
page - as interesting "behind-the-scenes" shots
appeared, I'd nab 'em and aggregate them on this page.
a while, folks started sending more photos, and the gang over
at RBW has provided a few as well. So, this page began taking
on a bit of a life of its own. It's changed a bit, and I've
tried to further aggregate info about specific models onto
their own pages.

versus Silver Canti PROTOTYPE
what the heck is this?