let me say what a great site you have, I've really enjoyed getting
to check out other peoples rides.
here's my current bike -- a "complete" Surly Long Haul
Trucker purchased in February of 2008. I'm not sure how "classic"
a Surly is in this company, but I've certainly enjoyed it so far.
It's more or less the stock bike but with the obligatory Brooks
saddle (a Flyer), SKS fenders, MKS touring pedals, el-cheapo aluminum
rack and On One Midge bars. I've tried a few different bars on it
(Nitto RandoÕs, 115's and moustache bars) and like the Midge's the
best -- they seem like a good fit for this type of bike.
yet to do any touring with it (this season was just about getting
back in cycling shape), most of my riding is just poking around
on the back roads and in the mountains near my house (the front
range of northern Colorado). I've also done a fair bit of off-road
riding with it on forest service roads and jeep trails (setup with
moustache bars at the time). As a relatively inexpensive do it all
bike I think it's pretty hard to beat.
again for the great site --