have had this bike for about a year, and am very happy with how
it is working out. It is a Green Heron Wayfarer, with Phil Wood
cassette rear hub wheel, Phil Wood bottom bracket, Shimano Downtube
shifters, Tektro Oryx Brakes, Shimano LX derailers, and a Sugino
triple crankset. The front wheel has a Shimano generator hub, attached
to a Lumotec N-Plus headlight and D-Toplight tail light.
you can see, the bike is set up for loaded touring, with front and
rear Tubus racks, a Nitto M12 mini front rack, and fenders. The
rider/bike interface is a Brooks Champion Special, Nitto Randonneur
handlebars, and Crank Brother's Eggbeater pedals.
be taking this out on tour in a couple of days, and normally use
it for commuting. Or anything of any distance, especially if I have
to carry something.